Wednesday, 27 June 2012

no more burritos

Dougall did ZERO miles yesterday. He ate a dodgy burrito and now doesn't even want to hear the word burrito for a long time. He was sick all day long. I'll spare you the details, suffice to say he was to totally tired and dehydrated so he stayed in the same hotel for a second night to recover. He's drinking lots of liquids, but when I spoke to him, he hadn't managed to get any food down. He slept lots and he was going back to sleep right after he phoned last night. Poor Dougall!!!! Hopefully he'll recover soon but he did promise he wouldn't overdo it today if he was still feeling shakey. He's near the Topaz Lake in Nevada, just over the border with California. Hopefully he's all better as I type this, but I haven't heard from him yet today.