Yesterday another 95 miles was cycled...a bit less than planned for the day, but it was a late start because Dougall was chatting with Bea, Eli and Ari! Apparently there are photos, but I haven't received them yet and Dougall's phone doesn't seem to be sending photos properly. In any case, he ended up yesterday evening at Smith River at an interesting looking motel called Ship Ashore, which is, apparently, exactly that, a ship ashore. Have a look at the website, it's not something you see every day.
Dougall said his bum was not too sore, so nothing gruesome to report on that, but he had to go get some anti-allergy medication as the pollen is flying and he was wheezing a bit. The medicine helped, so he's fine now.
Um, so here are some "artistic" impressions of the cycling yesterday....