Sunday, 10 June 2012

two days in one

Friday, Dougall crossed over from California to Oregon. He cycled 119 miles and stayed in a Motel 6 in Cores Bay. In California, Dougall had a puncture and he sorted it out with his repair kit as usual. Then later, he had another puncture in Oregon and at least 12 people stopped to ask if he was ok!! So that makes the total 574 miles by Dougall's count at the end of Friday. He needs to do at least 600 a week to get to the 3000 total in 5 weeks. So far it's looking like he's ahead of schedule, but he's also banking up miles because he hasn't gotten into the big mountains yet and that could be a bit slower going. Only a bit slower, of course, as we are talking about Dougall and the mountains are his favourite. (or favorite since he's in the US!). Oh yes and he cycled through the Avenue of the Giants, which is a scenic route through a portion of the enormous redwood tree forest. The redwood are enormous, rather than the forest -- there is only 2% of the old growth forest left!! But the trees are very impressive, massive trunks and so high that they look like New York City skyscrapers.

So, then on Saturday he whizzed along the coast of Oregon and it's getting chilly, so he had to resort to his gortex jacket. I'm afraid I'm struggling to remember now all the details of yesterday, but he cycled about 111 miles and stopped somewhere for fast food. The fast food was pretty slow and it was an American-size chilli and burger. The burger was big - enormous by British standards - and was hidden by a thick layer of chilli over it. Then the fries (chips, as I'm sure you're aware, is what I mean) were piled so high that even Dougall could not finish them. And this is amazing considering he needs to eat a LOT of calories right now. Oh yes that reminds me that he went into some shoppe somewhere and was looking around for something calorific to eat and he spotted a bag of jelly beans - 1000 calories!!! and scoffed the lot!!